FAQ’s for Freshmen/New Student Scheduling for GHS
FAQ’s for Freshmen/New Student Scheduling
The Basics:
Q: Do they have trimesters at the high school like they do at GMS?
A: No, the GHS school year is divided into two semesters: August-December (1st Semester) & January-May (2nd Semester)
Q: Who will be my school counselor?
A: GHS counselors are divided alphabetically by the student’s last name and stay with students during all 4 years at GHS: Mrs. Kroening: A-E; Mrs. Pierce: F-K; Mr. Post: L-Ra; and Mr. McLaughlin: Ra-Z
Q: How many classes do I need each semester?
A: 7 classes for each semester = 14 for the school year
Q: What is a credit?
A: A credit equals a passing grade (D- or above) for 1 semester of a class at GHS. You must earn a minimum of 43 credits to graduate with a Core 40 diploma from high school.
Q: How will I know what classes I should request?
A: The GHS counselors will talk with GMS students about this in November and again in January. (If students are registering for GHS during the summer, they should register at Central Registration first, and then call the GHS guidance department at 574-533-8651, ext. 2403 to set up an appointment with a counselor. The counselor will help students choose the appropriate classes.)
Q: Will I get to choose ALL of my classes?
A: Your GMS teachers will recommend the appropriate level for English, Math, and Science classes for you. In January, GHS counselors will return to GMS. You will receive a packet of information which explains the other required classes, as well as electives (classes you can choose according to your interests/career plans – like Art, Engineering/Technology, etc.).
Q: Do I need to take ALL Honors classes to earn an Academic Honors Diploma?
A: No. Please see the Indiana graduation requirements or check with your counselor.
Q: Will my parents be coming to school to help me schedule?
A: No, but you are encouraged to take your scheduling sheets home to talk with your parents about what you might want to schedule, or go to the Guidance/Student Services link on the GHS website at ghs.goshenschools.org to read about the classes from which you may choose.
Q: Can I change my mind about what I picked for electives?
A: GHS has to be done with ALL scheduling for ALL grades by mid-March for the next school year. You need to read about each class very carefully. PLEASE GIVE GHS TWO ALTERNATE CHOICES FOR YOUR ELECTIVES AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SHEET, in case the classes you have chosen fill up with upperclassmen. Unless the electives you have chosen are full, you will be placed in the classes you have chosen.
Specific Areas
High school credits earned at GMS:
Q: If I am taking a high school class at GMS, do I earn high school credits?
A: Yes! If you successfully complete a World Language or Math class (usually Algebra I) at GMS, you will earn high school credit (usually 2 credits). The grade will appear on your high school transcript – no choice. However, if you do not like the grade you receive at GMS, you may retake the class at GHS, and the new grade will replace the GMS grade on your transcript.
Physical Education Requirements:
Q: How many semesters of Physical Education do I need to take?
A: You need 2 semesters (2 credits) of Physical Education to graduate.
Q: Can I go to summer school to get my P.E. Credits?
A: If the School Board approves summer school and there are enough interested students, you may earn ONLY 1 of your PE credits. You may not take summer PE more than 1 time. Summer PE at GMS usually costs $50, and there is no bus to school– you would need to find or provide your own transportation.
Q: Is there another way to get Physical Education credit?
A: There are 5 ways to earn PE credit:
Take 1 semester of PE in summer school, and 1 during either semester of high school.
Take 2 semesters of PE during your freshman year (recommended) at GHS.
Participate in two seasons of any sport or cheerleading any time during your 4 years at GHS. If you complete the sport/cheerleading in good standing, you will receive an “A” on your transcript. (You can only earn 2 credits in this manner. After 2 credits earned with this option, no more credit is given.)
Participate in one season of a sport and take 1 semester of PE.
Participate in Science in the Rockies for 1 credit. The grade will go on your GHS transcript, and you will still need to earn one more credit in one of the ways above.
Q: Can I take PE even if I am in a sport?
A: Yes you may, but many students take Physical Development (weight lifting) or Fit & Feeling Good (overall fitness) to stay in shape IF THERE IS ROOM FOR FRESHMEN.
If you are NOT in a sport or cheerleading, you may not take Physical Development or Fit & Feeling Good until you have earned 2 PE credits with a “B” grade or better.
Q: Does Marching Band count for PE credit?
A: No. Marching band counts for a music credit only; it does not count for a PE credit.