The Goshen High School family strives to create a positive environment in which all are challenged and inspired to achieve their potential. GHS recognizes that students need a variety of academics and extra-curricular activities to have a fulfilling time during their high school career.  However, activities can benefit students only if they participate in them. Positive participation in activities shows students’ level of commitment to and involvement in their school. Goshen High School students are fortunate to have a wide range of opportunities for participation.

Top 10 Benefits of Being Involved in Extra-Curricular Activities

  1. Improved Academic Performance
  2. Explore Interests and Create Broader Perspectives
  3. Higher Self-esteem
  4. Social Opportunities
  5. Productive Breaks
  6. Essential Life Skills
  7. Resumes
  8. Development of Networking Skills
  9. Better Mental Health
  10. University Applications