Wednesday, Jan. 16-Train/Car accident
There was a train/car accident this afternoon (before school let out) at the Jefferson street crossing. Due to the accident, all railroad crossings/roads are closed between Lincoln Ave. and Kercher Road. The GCS transportation department is working hard to make sure that buses are available to transport students home this afternoon. However, please be aware that drop-off times may be delayed due to limited crossings and heavy traffic.
We appreciate your patience as we work together to make sure that all bus riders get home safely, and all GHS students are safely directed out of the parking lot.
There will be staff available in the transportation office if you have questions. 533-7176.
Esta tarde, sucedió un accidente entre un tren y un automóvil (antes de que las clases terminaran) en el cruce de la calle Jefferson. Debido a este accidente, todos los cruces y caminos por las vías del tren se encuentran cerrados entre la avenida Lincoln Aveniú y Kercher. El departamento de transporte está trabajando duro para asegurarse que todos los autobuses estén disponibles para transportar a los estudiantes a casa esta tarde. Sin embargo, por favor entienda que el horario en el que se dejará a su hijo podría retrasarse debido a los cruces limitados y al alto tránsito vehicular.