Information Re: Athletic Event Attendance
Information from the Athletic Directors of Elkhart County:
STEP 1: Indiana Stage 4.5 thru 8/30/20
• 25% capacity for athletic facilities seating
• Only essential personnel on sidelines
• For golf/Cross Country/tennis, no capacity limits.
• Require fans and workers follow state face mask mandate and social distancing for all events.
• additional entry gates, restrooms, and concession stands will be pursued to reduce crowding where possible.
STEP 2: Indiana Stage 5, starting 8/31/20
• Capacity options
• If there is an increased limit on large gatherings to 500 in
the “Indiana Back on Track” document, then 50% capacity for athletic facilities seating.
• If there is no limit, then 100% capacity.
• Only essential personnel on sidelines
• For golf/CC/tennis, no capacity limits.
• Require fans meet state face mask mandate and social distancing for all events.
• additional entry gates, restrooms, and concession stands will be pursued to reduce crowding where possible.
- Will each school determine what 25% is prior to their events and limit entry regardless of season ticket holders? Is seating strictly limited to bleachers or will provisions be made for folks along the fences?
- Yes, we anticipate that each school will look at venue capacity and use the percentage allowed to determine admission. Within our fences, we feel like we can manage, but outside our fences will be difficult. Each school will communicate prior to the contest to confirm exact number of tickets that will be available. This will be the plan for all ticketed venues. Most Elkhart County schools have not sold season tickets for the 2020 Fall season. For those that have they will include the number of season tickets when determining total number of tickets available for each event.
- Markings need to be made on the bleachers to maximize social distancing. Take out every other row or something similar. Will you have someone monitoring social distancing and masks and what are the consequences? Just because you say 25% doesn’t mean individuals will adhere to social distancing.
- We will plan to tape bleachers to show proper separation. We will have supervision at venues who will be charged with helping follow proper social distancing protocol. We will make public service announcements that will be made throughout the evening including signage. Administrative personal will continue to monitor the safety of our home events.
- We will plan to tape bleachers to show proper separation. We will have supervision at venues who will be charged with helping follow proper social distancing protocol. We will make public service announcements that will be made throughout the evening including signage. Administrative personal will continue to monitor the safety of our home events.
- Define essential personnel? Does this include media? Will media individuals be required to maintain masks and distancing to cover an event?
- Essential personnel are players, coaches, cheerleaders, game workers, security, and school administration. We are all looking at a location separate for media with proper spacing. They are NOT essential personnel and we will limit as needed if they can’t “fit” in our spaces as prescribed.
- Cross country will pose some issues. You will still have folks congregate at locations on the course especially at the finish lines. How will you overcome issues with the larger meets? I would suggest that it be limited to 2 individuals from the same household to observe a runner at larger meets. How will you handle the runners coming thru the chute in a large conference meet? Masks and social distancing immediately following the finish?
- Every CC venue is different and will require an individual plan that will be communicated with all parites. The common plan for starts and finishes will be to required masks at all times. Runners will be allowed to remove masks once they gain proper distance after the race has started. We will have signage detailing this throughout venue. Once they cross the finish line, they will go directly to their own team camp. We will not present awards after the event to allow teams to leave venue in a timelier manner. The coaches and athletic directors will meet to discuss how we deal with starts and finishes in detail prior to events.
- Tennis will need to have bleachers marked to promote social distancing. Masks should be required. Folks standing along the fences?
- Bleachers and signage will be marked off and displayed like a football event as detailed in #1.
- Utilize some types of markings for concessions and entry gates with signage posted about masks and social distancing being required.
- We will utilize all necessary means of communication with our patrons to assure their awareness of social distancing and mask requirements.
- No wind instruments from fans(soccer) in stands.
- They will not be allowed.
- Step 2 may be a hopeful situation and I honestly can’t imagine 100% capacity and would urge you not to even consider going beyond 50% capacity.
- We will continue to follow the recommendations of the Elkhart County Health Department as we have from the beginning.
- We will continue to follow the recommendations of the Elkhart County Health Department as we have from the beginning.
- If wind instruments and horns are used at venues, we need to find a way to minimize carry from those instruments into band and crowd.
- We understand the concern for marching bands to attend our home football events. We will continue to monitor your recommendations and discuss with our team of school administrators if marching bands can be in attendance.
** Elkhart County High Schools understand that in Phase 5 it is not realistic that we would move to 100% capacity. We all agree we will revisit this issue if Indiana moves on to Phase 5 and adjust accordingly in accordance with Elkhart County Health Department recommendations.