GTV Wins Award for Broadcasting Excellence
Goshen High School’s television station, GTV, entered a program from their 2nd period into a national competition, the Student Television Network’s Broadcast Excellence Competition, and came away regional winners, with a chance to be national winners!! GTV entered into the School Announcements Program category and took the title for the Midwest. School programs from around the country are judged by professionals in the industry and evaluated on a variety of qualities. We will find out if GTV is a national winner in mid-March.
In order for the students to win, the program had to be student written, filmed, and produced. As the GTV teacher, Brian Sapp’s role was only oversight and editorial. Thank you to the GHS administration for your support and for giving the students content ideas. While this was 2nd period’s episode, they were pushed to higher quality by the work of the other class.
If you see these students, please congratulate them on their hard work for GTV: 2nd Period: Adam R. Bowlby, Abraham A. Carranza, Ryan I. Carrillo, Xavier M. Groves, Kevin Hernandez Diaz, Sheila S. Herrera , Derrick L. Hire , Tammy Medina-Galindo, Gabriel C. Pittman, Mara A. Sensenig, and Anthony A. Swihart. 1st Period: Adam R. Bowlby, Jason L. Distelhorst, Ryan S. Distelhorst, Stephany Figueroa Diaz, Evan R. Gaylor, Emily M. Hall, Logan G. Harkenrider, Brooke D. Hughes, Ke’Ajah C. Jones, Johnny D. Lee, Alonzo Marin, Aide Martinez-Avalos, Coldin D. Morelock, Gabriel C. Pittman, Guillermo Rivera, Uziel Romero, Ryleigh J. Ross, Kalvin T. Russell, and Drew H. Sweetser.
Also, a huge note of THANKS to their teacher/producer, Brian Sapp, GTV – Goshen High School, and GMTV/Digital Media – Goshen Middle School.